martes, junio 18, 2024
Breaking News

Meetings are held in Pachuca, Hidalgo, to inform the state of the municipal administration / @sergiobanosr @PachucaGob >>>

#Pachuca, #Hgo.- With the objective of generating public policies for the benefit of the business sectors, the mayor of Pachuca, Sergio Baños, held a meeting with the presidents of various chambers to generate a dialogue and inform them of the state of the municipal public administration.

The mayor expressed his gratitude to those who accompanied them and reiterated his commitment to them:

  • Alejandro Sánchez Ramírez, interim president of the Hidalgo Business Coordinating Council.
  • Carlos Méndez Tejeda, president of Canirac Hidalgo.
  • Ana Karen Pineda Perea, president of Canacope Servytur Pachuca.
  • Francisco Javier Zavala Ramírez, president of the Association of Bars and Cantinas.
  • Oscar Pelcastre Castillo, member of Canaco Servytur Pachuca 2022.

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